Friday, February 14, 2020

Ethics in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics in Management - Essay Example Values which we believe guide us on how we should act and behave are said to be moral values, for example: respect, honesty, fairness, responsibility etc. if you put these values in Statements, they would be called ethical principles. (Free Management Library, 1997) The concept of Business Ethics means different things to different people, but generally it refers to being aware in an organization about what is the right or wrong step in the workplace and then doing the right thing. Ethics are all about making decisions that may or may not be to your benefit but you make them because they are the most socially acceptable solutions. In organizations, being ethical is not considered a good thing or is thought to have a negative effect. This is because the organizations are usually about doing what's best for becoming the top organization, this mean sometimes not doing the right thing. This is especially with regard to effects of products and services and with the relationship and organization has with its stakeholders. Giving importance to business ethics has become extremely critical during times of elemental change, this change in the way organizations work both profit and non-profit has come with the changing perceptions of people especially bu siness professionals. Values and beliefs that were previously ignored and taken lightly are now strongly questioned. Many of these values that are ethical and socially acceptable are no longer given attention; as a result, there is no clear moral mentor or employee to guide future leaders through difficult problems and about what is right or wrong. When people start working and behaving ethically, they become more sensitive to their colleagues and subordinates. The best example for this would be when the leader and his or her employee maintain a strong and moral attitude during a time of crises. (Brotherton, 2003) (Free Management Library, 1997) Being ethical in an organization can have negative effects on the profitability of the organization and this may be something that the stakeholder might be unhappy with but it is very important for both the stakeholder and the organization to understand that long term goals and objectives are more important and fruitful than short term goals and by being morally sound and sensitized organization you will win the long term trust of the customers therefore be beneficial to the stakeholders indirectly. (Free Management Library, 1997) Business ethics is now being considered a management discipline, especially after the social responsibility movement in the 1960s and policies like affirmative action policies that addressed society's most sensitive moral and ethical issue, discrimination against color, caste and race. In that era, social awareness movements increased the expectations of organizations especially multinational corporations to use their strong financial and social influence to throw light on some of the major social problems such as poverty, crime, environmental protection, equal rights, and public health and literacy programs. (Brotherton, 2003) A growing amount of population emphasized on that organizations were making a profit from using our country's resources, human capital and natural; these organization had the responsibility to improve society for the welfare of the country (Jaszay, 2001). Many

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Research method methodology Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Method methodology - Research Proposal Example By structures we mean primarily banks and other financial institutions, insurance companies, trust funds, investment houses, stock exchange and savings and credit cooperative societies (Sacco’s). Microcredit is offered through Sacco’s to boost the government’s endeavor in availing financial services and create a vibrant and globally competitive financial sector that will create jobs and also promote high level of savings. Microcredit is ways of empowering citizens with assistance to stabilize their investments to enable them prosper and improve their standards of living. It also contributes to entrepreneurs’ spirit by provision of advice and close monitoring of their businesses or investments. Statement of the problem Before the introduction of micro credit institutions, banks were the only financial institutions offering financial services. Due to the collusive oligopoly situation created by banks their services became only accessible to a certain group o f people who had a high level of income. Their interest rates and the limited amount to be borrowed were high and one required collateral to qualify. The accessibility of their bank loans and close monitoring of their investment was a problem for many investors. ... res why citizens have not yet fully taken advantage of this incentive yet the introduction of this SACCOs was aimed at raising their financial capabilities through investment. General objective The main objective of the project is to evaluate how microcredit institutions have facilitated in eradication of poverty in many countries. Specific objectives To establish whether the micro credit loans are easily accessible to as many citizens’ world wide, to establish whether citizens once granted the loans, utilize the same in investment and if so, do they save the returns from investment? To determine whether the investments improve their wellbeing status in the society, that is, to reduce the absolute poverty levels in the community. To establish whether the interest rates on the loans offered by the microcredit hinders them from expanding their business ventures and to find out the relationship between micro-finance institution services and business growth. Limitations of the stu dy Limited time to collect enough data may result to inadequate information thus affect overall outcome. Data collection and documentation will require adequate financing which if not amply provided may adversely affect the efficiency of data colllection. Some respondents may not be willing to give accurate information due to little knowledge in areas of research. Significance of the Study The study will be of great import to the citizenry to appreciate the presence of micro-credit departments in Sacco’s. The study will help micro-credit institution clearly understand where they are failing as far as small business operations are concerned and improve on their current practices. The study will help the government appreciate the role played by micro-credit on development of small businesses and