Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Nazi War Criminals Still Out There essays

Nazi War Criminals Still Out There essays Nazi War Criminals Still Out There As you walk by and look at hundreds of people everyday, just think, one of these people could have helped Hitler's Nazi Party. One of them could have been in charge of sentencing thousands of Jew's to death each day. These heartless terrible people could be walking around in disguise. They could even be living next door. These people are the thousands of Nazi war criminals that escaped from Germany, dodging being prosecuted for their crimes. Lot's have been caught, but there still many remain. Hermine Braunsteiner, one of the most cruel woman guards, was known for her terrible torturing of women at Ravensbruck and Maidenek concentration camps. She dodged the, and escaped to Canada where she found a husband. Then she moved to the U.S., and even got American citizenship. It was that easy for her to do so. She lied when a question on the citizenship form asked her about past experiences, and just like that she was a true American citizen. It was so eas y for these criminals to do exactly what Hermine Braunsteiner did. Most of them just lied about there past and the country didn't take the time to check out there past. The criminals that had the easiest time escaping were the ones that weren't known of. Hitler had many organizations working for him secretly. These organizations had no trouble escaping. You would think that these people could live without fear, but there's one person they had to fear. Simon Wiesenthal the great "Nazi Hunter", is always on their trail. Simon Wiesenthal has no respect for these criminals, and hunts them for pure revenge. No one really knows exactly what part he played during World War II, and the age of the Nazi's, but he holds quite a grudge against Nazi's. Men and women fear him all over the world thinking that someday they may be the one he's after. They have a good reason to be since he is responsible for the capture of over 1,000 former SS men. He's been searching from ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job Let’s be honest: many of us aren’t in our dream jobs, for whatever reasons. And even if you are working in your ideal field, there’s a good chance that the experience isn’t what you daydreamed it would be. It’s important to know when it might be time to cut bait and start over in a new role. 1. You dread going to work in the morning.If you hit your snooze button 15 times or roll out of bed every morning frowning about what your day holds, this is a problem. Even the most chipper coworker in your office has less enthusiastic days, but if it becomes an everyday dread, this could impact your overall happiness and health.2. You can’t hide your disdain at work.If other people are noticing that you are cranky or unhappy, it’s not good. It could impact your relationship with your boss and be noted as a performance issue.3. You dislike your team.If you have issues working together with your immediate group on projects or their everyday habits are like nails on a chalkboard to you, the problem might not be them. It could be that you would fit in better somewhere else.4. You dislike your team leader.There are plenty of terrible bosses out there: mean, arrogant, and just plain incompetent. It’s also possible that he or she is a great person, but you just can’t flourish under their style of management. If you find yourself rolling your eyes every time you get an email from this person, it could be time to leave.5. Your personal life is affected by your job.Feeling overworked and unhappy can drag down other parts of your life. This can show itself in a variety of ways: feeling short-tempered with family or friends, having issues with sleep, or feeling anxiety over things that may not seem work-related. If you find that your general feeling of well-being is lower because of your work activities, it’s better to err on the side of self-interest.6. Your health is affected by your job.Stress-related illnesses are very much a thing. Working too hard or experiencing consistent stress can make you more susceptible to colds, flu, or any number of illnesses just waiting for a gap in your immune system caused by poor self-care. Anxiety disorders and depression are also conditions that can be made worse by staying in a job that causes you consistent stress.  Few jobs are forever, but your health is always going to be with you.7. Company morale is low.Shared misery can be a rallying point for coworkers when things are rough, but it could be that everyone is unhappy because something is seriously wrong at the upper management level. Even if you feel loyal to your company, it’s important to keep an eye on how things are going in general and to decide whether any issues are likely to be resolved in the short term. If not, you are not obligated to stick around if there are other opportunities.8. You don’t see how this job will advance your career.If you’ve moved up as far as y ou can in your current role without major personnel or company changes, consider whether there would be better chances for advancement somewhere else. Be proactive, instead of waiting patiently for someone else to retire or quit.9. You’re consistently bored at work.If you find yourself slacking or filling long hours between projects, it may be because you’re not being challenged enough by your job. Every job will have its boring moments, but overall it should be a role where the tasks make you feel engaged and productive. If that’s not happening, this job likely isn’t the right fit for you.10. You feel undervalued.We all have moments where we grumble that we aren’t being paid enough to deal with this *bleep*, but if you feel like your job responsibilities have seriously outpaced your paycheck, it’s time to re-evaluate. Do some research into salary ranges and compensation for your role at other companies. If you still feel like you are being under-compensated (and there’s no chance to negotiate more for yourself at your current place), it’s probably time to move on.